Minggu, 06 Mei 2012

The road was so full of people. It’s always really busy in Kizilay at this time of the day. My watch ticked right at seven o’clock. This massive wave of people coming out off their office really made four lanes of road plus a pair of pedestrian way far from enough. Cars' horns, people’s shouts, ambulance’s sounds, engine’s noises and exhaust’s smokes completed Kizilay’s rush-hour.

A part from it, people seems to have got used to the nightmare I am facing right now. Well that’s what I see. I’ve never lived in such a crowded place like Ankara. I’ve been to Istanbul and Jakarta but never have I stayed for a long time. After seeing this scene for almost ten months, I don’t think I would be able to handle and survive in big cities.

So there I was sitting down in the park with my surrounding roaring and moving. It had been around sixteen minutes since I came to sit by. The crowd’s still crazy, traffic’s also noisy. I took three deep breaths. In front of me was an empty pond with nine big trees standing straight behind it. The sun sets quietly behind the clouds, the pigeons feed greedily facing me.

After that moment everything changed. My evil thought of the crowd, my pessimistic judgment of Ankara vanished. It turned out that this place wasn’t really bad at all. With so many beautiful parks around that I could sit at as well as the various existing nations that I could make friend with, the availability of fast-food store and modern shopping-centers, the spread of countless traditional shops, also the fact that living here is neither cheap nor expensive. Then what’s the deal with moaning? What am I to blame?

I am sure other big cities have the same thing. Even if they haven’t, they must have been trying to develop the like ones. Big cities provides so much facilities and opportunities, therefore it’s actually wise enough to recommend everyone to come. Well people don’t have to live a life there. University studies or touristic travel could serve as an experience.

The sky darkened, lights turned on. Now that the day’s fading together with the crowd, it’s time for me to go home and continue my daily routine. From that moment on, the only thing running in my head was me having an amazing four years future ahead. Bring on the big city baby!

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